Wow!..Hala Elbanna, this is a spectacular truthfull peice of work, i'm really liking your head-on approach here, i think your grasping a difficult subject with courage power and authority, your choice of words shows great maturity, acceptance and understanding of gods word, this is a powerfull piece, i'm a few years late with my appraisal but i tell you whoever you have great insight faith and belief in your creator god and may god bless you..thankyou for sharing this with us.
Horror, Death, Loss Eruption, Anger, A Disaster by all means!
A warning to man, This is what happens When he chooses to compete With God, When he chooses to be Arrogant and violent rather than peaceful, merciful and loving, When he chooses to take Destructive decisions in his hands. Ethnic cleansing is not a man's decision or judgement. Is not a man's word or action.
God created man to build and grow, to live harmoniously with his brother with whatever color, Not to burn and throw away What he picks and chooses!
Man Dignified is he who abides by The Lord's margins and knows for sure The place where he stands is but a servant, for God was, is and will always be Lord.
Let's hope man comprehends that lesson well, Or else more tsumanis are to come!